
ADS library of my publications

First Author Publications

  1. A Multiwavelength Study of the Massive Colliding Wind Binary WR 20a: A Possible Progenitor for Fast-Spinning LIGO Binary Black Hole Mergers Olivier, G.M., Lopez, L.A., Auchettl, K., + (2022)

  2. Characterizing Extreme Emission Line Galaxies. II. A Self-consistent Model of Their Ionizing Spectrum Olivier, G.M., Berg, D.A., Chisholm, J., + (2022)

  3. Evolution of Stellar Feedback in H II Regions Olivier, G.M., Lopez, L.A., Rosen, A.L., + (2021)

Significant Contribution Coauthor Publications

  1. TEMPLATES: Direct Abundance Constraints for Two Lensed Lyman-Break Galaxies Welch, B.D., Olivier, G.M., Hutchison, T.A., + (2024)

  2. TEMPLATES: A Robust Outlier Rejection Method for JWST/NIRSpec Integral Field Spectroscopy Hutchison, T.A., Welch, B.D., Rigby, J.R., Olivier, G.M., + (2023)
  3. Using [Ne V]/[Ne III] to Understand the Nature of Extreme-ionization Galaxies Cleri, N.J., Olivier, G.M., Papovich, C., + (2023)

Other Coauthor Publications

  1. Detection of Diffuse Hot Gas Around the Young, Potential Superstar Cluster H72.97-69.39 Webb, T.L., Rodriguez, J.A., + Olivier, G.M. (2024)

  2. JWST Early Release Science Program TEMPLATES: Targeting Extremely Magnified Panchromatic Lensed Arcs and their Extended Star formation Rigby, J.R., Vieira, J.D., + Olivier, G.M. (2023)

  3. JWST’s TEMPLATES for Star Formation: The First Resolved Gas-phase Metallicity Maps of Dust-obscured Star-forming Galaxies at z 4 Birkin, J.E., Hutchison, T.A., + Olivier, G.M. (2023)

  4. Spatial variations in aromatic hydrocarbon emission in a dust-rich galaxy Spilker, J.S., Phadke, K.A., Aravena, M., + Olivier,G.M. (2023)

  5. CLEAR: High-ionization [Ne V] λ3426 Emission-line Galaxies at 1.4 < z < 2.3 Cleri, N.J., Yang, G., Papovich, C., + Olivier, G.M.(2023)

  6. Characterizing Extreme Emission-line Galaxies. I. A Four-zone Ionization Model for Very High-ionization Emission Berg, D.A., Chisholm, J., + Olivier, G.M. (2021)

  7. The Wind beneath My Wings. I. Spectral Types and Multiplicity of the Central Stars Supporting Stellar Bow Shock Nebulae Chick, W.T., Kobulnicky, H.A., + Olivier, G.M. (2020)

  8. Temperature and Metallicity Gradients in the Hot Gas Outflows of M82 Lopez, L.A., Mathur, S., + Olivier, G.M. (2020)

  9. Intense CIV and HeII Emission in z~0 Galaxies Berg, D.A., Chisholm, J., + Olivier, G.M. (2019)

  10. A Comprehensive Search for Stellar Bowshock Nebulae in the Milky Way: A Catalog of 709 Mid-infrared Selected Candidates  Kobulnicky, H.A., Chick, W.T., + Olivier, G.M. (2016)